Slideshows & Presentations

Hope against Hopelessness: Ways out of Despair in Zululand

Presentation about our organisation and its work from 2015


The Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard

Presentation about our organisation and its work from 2013


South Africa - A country with two faces

From October to November and December 2012, Maresi, Hans Peter and Elena Rehder helped in our Care Centre and visited other places in South Africa.
Maresi Rehder has captured her travel memories in this slide show.


Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard - Memoirs by Ralph Thielemann - November 2011 - February 2012

Ralph Thielemann, a paramedic of Malteser Constance, visited Blessed Gérard's Care Centre in Mandeni for four months (from November 2011 to February 2012) and helped out in our various services (hospice, children's home, AIDS treatment clinic, clinic for malnourished people). He documented his experiences and impressions in film and pictures and presents them here.


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